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Who are the Coaches?


Coaching Cooperative is a group of highly experienced Executive Coaches who truly believe in the value coaching conversations can offer during these unprecedented times.


They have the qualifications, experience and reputation that guarantees they are leading practitioners within our industry.


Can I ask for a particular Coach?


No – if you are wanting to work with a particular Coach please engage them directly. Coaching Surges, and the offer from Coaching Cooperative does not replace your normal coaching engagement and your work with your existing Executive Coach. It is to supplement it in tough times.


We are all highly experienced practitioners fit for purpose, and therefore we allocate Cooperative Coaches on a random basis.


What happens if I have my own Executive Coach?


This does not replace your existing executive coaching sessions. It is designed for people who are not currently engaged with a Coach and want the benefit of coaching, through these challenging times. If you have an Executive Coach, why not refer this program to a colleague?


I’ve paid for coaching before – why would I want it for free?


Many organisations have diverted resources (both financially and human) from L&D initiatives to resolve immediate issues. This is a stop-gap initiative (valued at over $1,200 per Coaching Surge) to support organisations, individuals and their teams through this period.


What can I discuss?


From resolving immediate challenges arising from remote working, for yourself and your team, through to building resilience for individuals, teams and your organisation. Coaching Surges can help you focus right through to imagining the next normal.


Can I continue with the Coach after the Coaching Surge is finished?


Once the Coaching Surge is complete, individuals are welcome to register again for another Surge and a new Coach will be allocated when available.


To continue with the same Coach, please engage in a coaching program directly with your Cooperative Coach.


What’s the catch?


There isn’t one!


The Coaching Cooperative is dedicated to our industry and believe in its benefit, especially in uncertain times. It’s our way of saying, “we are in this together”, and “we’ve got your back”. 


What’s the process?


It’s simple:


  1. Fill in the form

  2. Complete the sessions

  3. Provide feedback.

Got 5 minutes? Register now and start this week.​


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